Contact information

Shade Ceramics and Shutter Photography

1102 White Street, Key West, FL 33040


Custom orders

Sometimes you just want something made especially for you rather than something from the gallery shelf or wall. And sometimes you just need that special something that fits a certain space or decor. We are happy to discuss your special needs and let you know how we can help turn your vision into reality.

Mark has made large basins for fountains, specially shaped mugs, specially sized plates and bowls, custom platters, salad sets, dinnerware sets, cream and sugar sets, planters, and other designs. He has created special gifts and items for wedding registries.

Sarah has made special notecards, calendars, and specially sized prints in any size between 8”x10” and 45”x60”. The prints can have a custom coating so that they can be displayed outside. Sarah has a large portfolio of photographs that are not on display in the gallery. Check with her and scroll through her portfolio to find the perfect photo.

Colorful Key West mugs.
Snowy egret flying in sea spray.